Summer Reading Pile

IMG_0291Ok, so I’m really late with my summer reading list, but I thought I’d join in anyway. Several blogger friends— Cathy Mere, Jill Fisch, and Laura Komos — have orchestrated their third year of #cyber PD.    Bloggers or tweeters can post a picture of the professional books they are planning to read this summer.  Then one book is chosen to read and discuss together on three Wednesdays in July.

You’ll notice that my list includes many books on writing.  I’ve been talking and writing about teaching reading so much for the past few years (particularly helping teachers think about their struggling readers) that I’m interested in getting back into the groove of teaching writing. So I’m including a few books on writing that have been on my TBR pile for a while.  Actually, I’m almost done with the Katie Wood Ray’s In Pictures and in Words and it’s just fabulous!

Also in my pile is Cris Tovani’s So What Do They Really Know? from Stenhouse.  I have learned so much from all of her other books, that I just have to delve into this one. And then you’ll see Creating Innovators in my pile — this one was mentioned in several places this past school year, so I thought it deserved a reading.

If I can squeeze it in, I’m sure I’ll reread What Readers Really Do, since I’ve been chatting it up to teachers all school year. I highly recommend this one.

Since reading everyone else’s list, I just ordered three more books that I will definitely read this summer  – Join the Club by Katie D. Czerwinski; Who Owns the Learning? by Alan November and Teach Like a Pirate by Dave Burgess. And, by the way, the #cyberPD book for discussion this year is:51h8ptz5ZBL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_


  1. Pat,
    I am so glad you shared your list and will be joining the #cyberPD conversation. You have several great writing books in your stack. There a couple there I will have to add to my list.

    Some of my favorite writing books (some were written a long time ago): What Writers Really Need (Fletcher), About the Authors (Ray), Of Primary Importance (Corgill) & Wondrous Words (Ray). I’d be remiss to not add authors Donald Murray and Don Graves. :o) Of course, the biggest shift for me came years ago when I read In the Middle by Nancie Atwell. Wow, that was a long time ago, but what a game changer!

    Sorry, had to reminisce for a bit. Oh, professional books. I love them!

    I look forward to chatting and learning across the summer,

  2. Cathy –
    Our reading lives have paralleled! I’ve read every one of the ones you mentioned (Living Between the Lines and Lasting Impressions were powerful for me way back when). AND, since we are remembering Shelley, let’s not forget all of Georgia Heard’s great books on writing too! I may have trouble joining the conversation on that first day, July 3rd, but hope to get in on the others.

  3. Pat,

    What a great stack! I have read a couple of these and a few others are on my extended wish list. I love reading professional books. I think it might be a slight addiction on my part. 🙂

    Glad you are joining us.


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